Collaboration: Set Design Part 1

Karris started with the set design after looking at influences to incorporate into it. This started out with experimenting with a basic colour palette, aiming to stick with the typical warm ambience usually found in a restaurant during the evening. They then started to look at changing up the furniture such as windows, lights, wall and floor decorations, the table and chairs, and the items that were going to go on the table (which were going to become props later on).

This was the first colour palette prior to colour correction;

Once the studio had decided on aspects that we liked from each design, Karris went on to create a second set of rooms, continuing to mix and match pieces of furniture and other details that the team hadn't yet decided on completely. There was a prominent focus on wall and floor decorations as well as the lights in the second set of images.

The team then agreed on the room they liked best and a slightly more refined version was made.

Further tweaks will be made following OGR feedback, wherein the lights will most likely be adjusted to create a 'spotlight' effect above the table instead of multiple smaller lights, and aspects will be simplified. 


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